Saturday, 28 May 2016

Workshop at Belfast and 1st Journal Publication

Hey everyone! How has this month been treating you?

Personally, this has been a busy period of my project but also very productive.

Actually, I'm writing this post just after attending the 6th Workshop on Civil Structural Health Monitoring. This was an incredibly interesting event hosted by the School of Planning Architecture and Civil Engineering at Queen's University Belfast in Northern Ireland on 26 and 27th of May and organized in conjunction with the International Society for Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure (ISHMII).

I was joined by my fellow TRUSS ESR's Farhad Huseynov (ESR7), John James Moughty (ESR10) and Daniel Martínez Otero (ESR12) at this event. Prof. James Brownjohn (Main supervisor of ESR7) and Prof. Eugene OBrien (Main Supervisor of ESR12) were also at this event where they made compelling and engaging presentations.

Here you can see a group photo of all the participants of this event.

6th Workshop on Civil Structural Health Monitoring attendees

And here you can see a photo of all present TRUSS fellows with Prof. Eugene OBrien at the Workshop.

TRUSS ESR fellows and Prof. Eugene OBrien at the Workshop

The workshop topics were mainly related with monitoring strategies for the evaluation of structures exceeding their design life; management of structures exceeding design life; geotechnical monitoring of civil infrastructure to extend life and improve safety, and finally, economic analysis of SHM for essential SHM strategies.

It was great to get to know the newest projects developed by our colleagues in this field and also the people behind it. I've even got to see some amazing works where distributed optical fiber sensors were applied with success and that gave me important and different perspectives of these sensors.

I also take this chance to happily announce that my first peer-reviewed journal article was published online this last week! This article is a result of my developed literature review and was published in the journal Sensors, an Open Access Journal from MDPI with an impact factor of 2.245. So if you want,  you can have a look at it here and hopefully, you'll find it interesting.

Published article in Sensors journal
Hopefully, this is the first of many more to come.

The following weeks are going to be insanely busy but I expect to be able to get back to you with more developments and exciting news anytime soon.

Stay tuned!